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Palavras-chave: relações conjugais; família; representações sociais; gênero; pesquisa intergeracional. It is centered on the conjugality question, attempting to verify if the conjugal and familial living experience suffered significant modifications after a period of approximately three decades, considering women of the same family, but from different generations. Twenty semi-structured narrative interviews were taken with women of low or medium social-economic strata: ten who had children during the decade 1st generationand 10 who had children during the nineties 2nd generationdaughters of the first group. The interview allowed the participants to talk about their quotidian experiences and practices with respect to familial and conjugal contexts. The results pointed both continuities and ruptures between generations, expressive changes from one generation to the other being marked with respect to important aspects of the conjugal relationship. For example: the maintenance of the marriage ceases to be the main objective; the conjugal relations, in general, become more open; there is a reduction of the interdictions towards women; the feminine investment on the marriage now shares space with increased male interest.

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