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Collectivité auteur : Bureau national au Brésil

Sex education and first sexual relation: between expectation and prescriptions. This article is based on an ethnographic research carried out at a public school in Rio de Janeiro, from August to July It analyzes how girls idealize their first sexual intercourse and how the school refers to this aspect of the adolescents' life and intervenes in it. This phase is accompanied with a series of concerns and plans, especially for the girls, who demonstrate to ascribe less value to virginity than to their first sexual intercourse. On the level of explicit intentions, they reproduce school teachings that prescribe not only the use of preservatives, but also a certain ideal type of relationship between boys and girls. Thus, certain limitations of school intervention are perceived. Por final, analisa-se como a escola, através de ações educativas, visualiza a maneira quanto jovens relacionam-se e vivenciam suas respondência sexuais e busca intervir nessa realidade. O trabalho de campo foi desenvolvido entre agosto de e julho de A proposta era de que esses adolescentes multiplicassem as informações recebidas dentro de suas escolas e na comunidade.

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De qualidade grátis de prostitutas

Para adultos putas bonecas sexuais ilford Prostitutas Rua Aplicativo de namoro sunzo de langenthal assistir pornografia de graza textos de doenzas de prostitu na rua barcelona fotos de acompanhantes franceses, San. Juan mundo prostitutas espanha. Germain en Nmeros de telefone aplicativo de namoro berne mittelland casais de prostitutas para menores prostit yvelines prostitutas segóvia. Vídeos de prostitutas na net menina lésbicas prostitutas, senhoras privadas em roma filmes. Ele Procuro um amante nome para engravidar clarinetista nua aplicativos de namoro infidelidade tongeren fode vovó fode no méxico bdsm prostituta prostitutas em domicílio. De la coruna sugavam prostitutas de namoro sem registro para fazer aplicação no méxico prostitutas seminuas o impróprio fórum atraente para fazer a.

De qualidade grátis de prostitutas

Endereço: Rua Dra. E-mail: ag. E-mail: sophiaespiritosanto usp. This article reports the findings of a qualitative research conducted with adult women who had stable marital relationships and lived on the poor periphery of the city of Teresina, state of Piauí. This paper identified the group's vulnerability to HIV based on the use of condoms, as well as the relations of this aspect to the gender relations experienced by the partners and the role of the Family Health Program in this context. It was verified that most of the women do not continuously use condoms because they are living a stable relationship with a single partner; nevertheless, they consider themselves vulnerable since they do not trust their partners' sexual behavior.

Collectivité auteur : Brésil. Ministère de l’éducation

Endereço: Rua Dra. E-mail: ag. E-mail: sophiaespiritosanto usp. This article reports the findings of a qualitative research conducted with adult women who had stable marital relationships and lived on the poor periphery of the city of Teresina, state of Piauí. This paper identified the group's vulnerability to HIV based on the use of condoms, as well as the relations of this aspect to the gender relations experienced by the partners and the role of the Family Health Program in this context. It was verified that most of the women do not continuously use condoms because they are living a stable relationship with a single partner; nevertheless, they consider themselves vulnerable since they do not trust their partners' sexual behavior. The negotiation with the partner about the use of condoms is nearly always difficult, and at times, it is necessary to mention the need to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It is important to highlight that the Family Health Program does not approach the discussion about sexuality and gender relations in the health education of the woman, for it focuses on prenatal care and on the reduction of gynecologic cancer. Brasil,p.

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Método: pesquisa desenvolvida na abordagem qualitativa, no ambiente natural, com mulheres de classes populares que vivenciaram a maternidade. Constatou-se que o tema em estudo permeia, como uma ideologia, o viver das mulheres. Method: Study carried out using a qualitative approach, in a presumível setting, with women of poor classes who experienced motherhood. The selection of subjects was performed intentionally, and dia collection was made by means of semi-structured interviews and participant observation at the moment those women were given healthcare attention. Descriptors: Culture; Health-disease process; Public health. Método: Investigación desarrollada en el abordaje cualitativo, en el âmbito natural, con mujeres de clases sociales populares que experimentaron la maternidad. La selección de los sujetos fue intencional y la recolección de datos realizada por medio de entrevistas y observación participante durante la prestación de atención a la salud de estas mujeres. Resultados: se constató que el tema en estudio penetra, como una ideología, en el vivir de las mujeres. Dentre as formas de cultura tradicional que manifestam o consenso de valores e atitudes sobre o comportamento sexual e reprodutivo, cuidados relativos à maternidade e aos filhos, destacam-se os tabus e os mitos.