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ABSTRACT This article discusses the interface between mental health and loving relationship, from the perspective of positive psychology, in view of the importance of this interpersonal relationship for the well-being and quality of life. Positive psychology, by focusing on positive emotions and well-being, brings a framework of possibilities that strengthens the quest for health in different stages of human development and relationships that are established between people across the life cycle, focusing on themes such as happiness, satisfaction, state of mind, spirituality and positive affect. Love relationships emerge as a form of interaction which can present many positive and negative elements both able to contribute to quality of life and to suffering. We conclude that loving relationships, when considered a source of well-being, are an important protective factor of mental health, favoring the individual growth and marital satisfaction. Martin E. Seligman, psicólogo norte-americano e professor da Universidade da Pensilvânia, é o fundador desse movimento. Enquanto professor da disciplina de psicopatologia, observou que a ciência psicológica vinha negligenciando os aspectos positivos da natureza humana focando apenas as patologias e aspectos disfuncionais do ser humano, em detrimento de suas potencialidades e aspectos positivos Scorsolini-Comin, Ema psicologia positiva publicou seu primeiro periódico oficial, intitulado Journal of Positive Psychology. O novo enfoque traz uma mudança de paradigma, que passa de um modelo voltado a doenças e aspectos considerados anormais, para um modelo cujo interesse centra-se em emoções positivas.

Mulheres que procurando 257443

O AmorEmCristo é o líder em relacionamentos evangélicos no Brasil

Quanto resultado, os jovens apontam que os relacionamentos atuais baseiam-se na individualidade, opção, descartabilidade, busca do romantismo, igualdade de gêneros e superficialidade. Assim, o longínquo das relações seria baseado em maior individualismo entre parceiros e casais morando em casas separadas. Palavras-chave: relacionamentos amorosos; contemporaneidade; adultos jovens; amor; gênero. As a result, young people showed that the current relationships are based on individuality, freedom, disposability, search for romance, gender equality and superficiality. What they look for in a relationship: trust, respect, beauty, and someone with a good future career. Young people also believe that the fear of responsibility and constant investment in a relationship may difficult the relationship. Thus, the future of relations would be based on greater individualism among partners and couples living in separate houses. Through this survey, it was found that relationships today are based on freedom and individuality, occurring when there is the investment of both parts.

Relacionamento interpessoal

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